Wishing Others Would Change

Do you spend a lot of time wishing that other people would change and just get it?
We all desire better relationships. With codependent behavior, we try to change others and can use many different ways to try to do this! But you can’t force them. It will backfire every time you try! This false belief that we have is that “if they would just change, I would feel better and could be happier” Our goal is to learn to create our own life and happiness from the Insideout! It really is exhausting trying to get others to “get it”journal 2015 Courage
Loosen your grip and allow others their experience, free of judgment and criticism. Allow others to be exactly where they are while you choose to be where you are. We all are on our own path of life, learning the lessons we need to learn in order to grow into a place of higher consciousness. Allow yourself to forgive even when those you forgive have not changed for you. Most dont realize we can forgive someone, and not resume relationship with them.
The art of allowing is one of life’s great lessons. Its something we must consciously practice everyday, and when we do, there is much freedom and peace that we feel. As you learn and relearn it, you will create more joy. Of course, this does NOT mean we accept and allow abusive behavior in any form

American Indians remind us to WALK A MILE IN THE OTHERS’ MOCCASINS….’ we all have different paths, & different journeys…all getting us to the L.I.G.H.T. (Living In Gratitude Harmony and Trust)
God Bless You as you practice the art of allowing this week.
Debbie Sherrick – Holistic Codependency Coach