This morning as I was thinking about that, my husband said something that bugged the crap out of me! I was just getting ready to sit down and have my quiet time with God and write in my journal. I kept thinking about that one thing he said (and the tone) and started giving it a lot of attention. My mind started spiraling with all the negatives and focusing on that one thing. I mean here I am smelling my morning essential oils, candle lit, devotion book in hand and ready to journal all the wonderful things that God is doing in my life. But my thoughts kept thinking over and over on that one little thing I was offended about. I started feeling anxious and angry inside. I sure didn’t feel like being loving! Nor was I able to feel the spirit and presence of God and my angels! I focused on that offense for about 5 minutes then I realized what I was doing and how my body felt. I didn’t like how I was feeling. I’m always encouraging clients to go down into the body when their thinking about something and ask “how does that feel?” We can always choose to change our thoughts. Or not. I quickly did some cleansing work energetically on myself and changed my thoughts, blessed my husband with love for the day and began to thank God how lucky I am to have a man who is so faithful and has loved me for 20 years and goes out the door everyday to work hard to provide for us. (After all, I know I have said many things to offend him!) Guess what? Once I switched my attention to how blessed I am I felt overwhelmed with gratitude and love.The energy inside me felt better. It was that one shift we all can do and practice. We are all human. And EGO will always try to raise its head.
I then thought about Eve in the garden and how she had so many beautiful things surrounding her and a man who loved her, yet she chose to focus on the one thing she didn’t have rather than be thankful for what she did have. That negative focus darkened her thoughts and we know the rest of the story.
When we give attention to what we don’t have, or a situation that just bugs the crap out of you, our thoughts become dark too and our energy shifts in our body. It doesn’t feel good. Sometimes we refuse to enjoy life until its “fixed” or changes. We can stay in that mind set for hours, days, months, or even years. Refusing to enjoying the many gifts and blessings around us because we are so focused on whats wrong and what we don’t have but want. Or worse yet, we chose to not be happy until that person or situation changes.
No doubt, finding things we are grateful for changes our energy and we will continue to attract things we can be more thankful for. I encourage you and ask you to walk in the light today and give attention to all that we have to be grateful for. Funny, as I write this, a cute little squirrel is looking through my French Door windows staring at me. So cute. Thank you God for the beauty of nature and your creation today.