The Root Chakra is our energy center where our belief systems are established. I call this Getting To The Root of things! The Root energy center is located at the base of the spine and goes down the groin into the legs and feet. It is the base of all other chakras. It is the energy of our family of origin. Where we learned our beliefs about life, love, relationships, etc. If we come from “good healthy roots”, we will have a feeling and a sense of grounding and security and feeling safe. A sense of belonging and having the message that we are loved and wanted in our family of origin. It is where we learn our survival patterns, our traditions. It is where we learn boundaries about family life. So you can see, if we did not have a safe secure childhood, this can be very much related to why we act out having codependency issues. It could also be that you moved alot when growing up and were not able to have good friend relationships and never felt grounded, secure in your home life. A sense of belonging.
This is why I talk alot about changing your belief systems. Our old beliefs are stored in our subconscious. Its why we act in certain ways in life and have a hard time changing or recognizing how or why we do things. Neuroscientist tell us that 95% of our thoughts are controlled by our per-programmed subconscious mind. Instead of actually thinking, your looking at a “movie” from the past.
When we start to look at our past childhood and the messages we were given to create our belief system, how it affected us and still does, we can begin to make changes. It is a process, but we can begin to look at “the root” of our behaviors.
If this energy center is balanced we tend to feel grounded, focused, motivated, we have good family and relationship values, having a belonging to family or a group that represents family to us, close friends, we feel safe and secure in life, connection with nature and earth, have the ability to take care of ourselves, ability to stand up for ourselves, and we move forward with ease with projections and goals.
Unbalanced we will tend to have alot of fear, hopelessness, restlessness (cant sit still or even wanting to move where we live often), dont finish things, spacey, lazy, rigid, feel weighed down, unable to move forward, lack motivation and energy, procrastinate alot, isolation (lack of close friendships or relationships and no sense of belonging (stay guarded). No connection to nature-Mother earth.
Physically, this can affect our bodies in the area of lower spine, intestines, colon, adrenal glands, blood issues, legs, knees, feet and bones. Also included are genital areas. Physical ailments can be : eating disorders and weight issues (eating to nourish and feel safe), adrenal burnout, pain in legs or they feel heavy at times, knee and feet issues, sciatica, depression, constipation or IBS, hemorrhoids, little or no consciousness with body, no conviction of taking care of your body, restless.
Ways of balancing are of course dealing with those old belief systems of the past and changing them which is a process, but we can begin with awareness. Other ways are to wear red, eat red foods, have a red candle you stare into as the color of this energy center in the body is red. Go barefoot and walk around the grass barefoot. Sit on the ground and feel the earth beneath you and breathe. Picture a cord coming out of your groin and growing as a root down into the earth. Staying in the present moment helps to ground us. If you have no family or a family that is not safe to be around, find friends, support group, etc that can represent to you a sense of belonging. If you eat food to nourish yourself emotionally, start doing some emotional work with someone to work on your past and find some “instead strategies” to use that are healthy instead of using food. I love using essential oils for the chakra centers. Their vibration is so high, they all affect us on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Think of oils that represent grounding and nature. I love Spruce, Patchouli and Cedarwood for this chakra.