“I AM preparing you for what is on the road ahead of you. Take time to be still in MY PRESENCE so that I can strengthen you. The busier you become, the more you need this time apart with ME. So many people think spending time with me takes up too much time. As a result, they live and work in their own strength—until that becomes depleted. Then they cry out for me to help or else get bitter. How much better it is to walk close to Me, depending on My strength and TRUSTING Me in every situation. If you live this way, you will do less, but accomplish far more. You will be more peaceful walking in the Light trusting Me”
You may have had dreams and plans that didn’t come true this past year, or maybe those you loved and had trust in betrayed and hurt you. Maybe that caused you to lose trust in God, life and others. Maybe even yourself! The biggest codependent issue many of us have is our need to control. Underneath that though is fear and a lack of trust. We are afraid of what will happen if we don’t control and we step out in faith to let go and let God.
Step 3 says: We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him
Surrendering or turning our will over is how we become Empowered. Things start happening without alot of effort. Doors open. We stop becoming attached to outcome (a biggie for me!) We are not powerless or helpless with the circumstances of our lives when we live by faith and once we surrender to God, things go better for us and miracles start to happen.
The goal of healing from codependency behaviors is in knowing we can trust ourselves and God. Each of us is connected to life and God. We all have intuition and that “gut feeling” that is like a radar. It usually will tell us if we are still and listen who and what we can trust. Some who have hit a bottom in life have lost faith in God. My bottom was when my marriage ended 29 years ago. I thought it was made in heaven and the divine will of God. I was mad at God for a long time, especially since we were so involved in our church doing “the will of God”, so I thought. I thought God had abandoned me. The truth was, I had abandoned myself. I was so caught up in busyness and works for others.
It wasn’t until I surrendered to God and HIS will, that I began to heal, forgive, learn and grow. I am grateful for that experience today, because God used it as part of the plan of the codependency coaching I do today.He truly can turn your scars into stars if we allow it.
One of the codependency myths is “life is hard”. Life doesn’t have to be hard. Yes, things happen, others let us down, we let ourselves down. But we can surrender and trust God, the Universe and ourselves for wisdom in the moment we are in now. Why not make a decision to surrender situations and others over to God as you understand him in 2014? I have to say, when I get out of the way and let go of the reins and surrender and the time is right, the way before me suddenly clears through no effort of my own. Surrender and expect to see miracles—— and you will.
Debbie Sherrick