The words that we use to describe and speak to ourselves deeply affect our self esteem and sense of self-love. This includes what you say, think, write, or even joke about yourself. We are learning to take care of ourselves and treat ourselves with unconditional love as a mother would take care of her little baby with gentleness, unconditional love, nurturing and grace. We have responsibilities to our own self, not just others which has been our pattern… put others needs before our own. Part of that responsibility is to speak lovingly and gently to ourselves.
Take one day at a time and pay attention to your self talk. Use beautiful words to describe yourself and think about how you would speak so lovingly to an infant child that is so innocent. This isn’t to be conceited, but to affirm your Divine nature as a beautiful child of God.
When you use loving words and thoughts toward yourself your speaking your truth as God sees you. After all, isn’t that our goal? To see ourselves through the eyes of our maker who loves the totality of us, flaws and all. Doing this will elevate us to the highest vibration possible, where miracles and healing really occurs.
Enjoy the feelings of peace that develop as you learn to honor and respect yourself.
Love, Debbie/codependency coach