I soooo love macadamia nuts! True, these buttery nuts are among the most fatty you can find. Research has found though that eating 3 to 4oz daily as a snack and help you burn belly fat up to 60% faster! Why is that? I am constantly telling clients that the”good fats” help to push out the “bad fat”! Macadamias contain more healthy monounsaturated fats than any other food——-even olive oil! Plus, they are a fantastic source of palmitoleic acid (a healthy fat found in fish oils). When these fatty acids soak into your belly, they kick start lipolysis, which is the burning of fat for fuel! And all these food fats are so good for our skin too! How cool is that?
Healthy Blessings!
Debbie Sherrick
InsideOut Health!![macadamia tree](https://i0.wp.com/insideoutwellnesscoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/macadamia-tree.jpg?resize=231%2C155)