I loved this picture as it reminded me of my great grandmother who use to say this to me when I would be worrying about something out of my control. Worry and staying in our head is paramount and pretty normal for codependent behavior. Going over and over in our heads about a situation and worrying how it will turn out or won’t for that matter. Analyzing also how we can fix or control it.
I have found that when I bring myself back to the moment and say “all is well” at this very moment. All my needs are met. God is guiding me every step of the way and holding my hand.
It can be habitual to worry when we are letting our circumstances consume us more and more to the point of that is all we are thinking about. Our greatest danger can be worrying about tomorrow and next week or next year. Its a heavy load to carry and sure doesn’t produce peace.
One of our greatest disciplines and tools is to live in the boundaries of today. It is in this present moment of NOW that God’s grace and power is sufficient. I challenge you to begin today with the practice of living vertically. Staying in the NOW, connected to Spirit. Keep your focus on the fact that today and this moment is all we really have. Worrying about the future creates anxiety and is really a fear about not being able to control our future. I am reminded of step 1: “I am powerless over people, places and things”