Many people say they don’t know what they’re feeling. They may have denied their feelings for so long, they are unable to identify. Perhaps you can name your emotions mentally but don’t “feel” anything in your body. With practice, you can connect the dots.
Most feelings are combinations of the four basic emotions: Sad,Glad,Angry,Fear. Guilt is a combination of anger and fear. Anxiety and irritation are milder forms of fear and anger.See how many feelings you can identify. Next time you have an emotion, go deep within around your solar plex area and feel it. If it had a color what would that color be?
Honor Your Feelings:
Even those who know what they feel or can identify a number of feelings often don’t honor their feelings or share them in order to accommodate others. A common thought is “Whats wrong with me that I feel this way?” Rather than allowing 10 minutes of letting your emotions flow, you may spend days judging and resisting feelings, becoming more unhappy and depressed. This is dishonoring yourself.
Feelings aren’t signs of weakness;they just are. Whatever you feel is legitimate, and your entitled to feel it. The danger lies in ignoring feelings which can lead to poor decisions and health problems. Remember that feelings buried alive never die.
Finally, honoring your feelings also means taking responsibility for them. No one makes you feel something—–only you do.
Make a lists and new beliefs for yourself:
1. I have a right to my feelings
2. I don’t have to defend them
3. All my feelings are ok, even anger and painful ones.
4. No one can tell me what I “should” feel. Even me
5. What I am feeling will pass (if I am processing it correctly)
6. Allowing myself to feel my emotions is healthy for my mind/body/and spirit
Healthy Blessings,
Debbie Sherrick
Wellness/Coda Coach