The problem is, this chatter in our minds, the old stories about our past, what happened, how others felt about us or treated us, or how we treated ourselves are not necessarily relevant to our lives today.
Have you ever been stuck or afraid in reaching a goal? Have you ever notice ways that you sabotage your goals and dreams? This can come from our OLD belief system. The stories you have telling yourselves for years such as , I’m not good enough, smart enough, or that we fear criticism and failure, that I will never lose the weight or be healthy, that we wont ever have enough money, or ever be in a loving relationship, and so many other stories that keep up stuck in fear.
It’s time to create new stories about you. Create a new belief system. Act as if. Beliefs that support you living the life of your dreams. You are good enough, you deserve to be healthy, you deserve abundance and happiness in all things!
Is fear probably going to show up? Absolutely! Are there times when you will probably fail? Probably. We can expect fear to show up but we can look it in the eye and say, “Thanks for coming, I was expecting you” “Now get out of my way, I’ve got dreams to live!”
Courage is acting, in spite of the fear, not the absence of fear.
I have learned over the years, to choose to live my life by faith instead of fear. When we live our lives in fear, we experience worry, stress and anxiety. When we live our lives in faith we experience hope, excitement and positive expectation.
Which would you prefer?
“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power,love and a sound mind”