The Burden of Addiction on Children
THE BURDEN OF ADDICTION ON CHILDREN I believe this is a topic I could write about forever and as I write this article, I realize I need to write a book on the topic as it is so near and dear to my heart. I am tremendously passionate about protecting children from the many affects…
It’s #TwelveStepThursday! Step Six: “Were Entirely Ready To Have God Remove All These Defects of Character”
I love being able to share #TwelveStepThursday from a codependents point of view. Ive been doing this for awhile now each week over all the social media sights but decides to start blogging about each step now to reach a bigger audience. First of all, I don’t like the way this step is worded. Defects…
What Are You Focusing On Right Now to Attract?
We all hear that we draw to us what we have been focusing on. And thoughts create things so think good ones. Where attention goes, energy flows. But how much do we believe that? As a holistic codependency coach, I very much believe in mind/body connection. I believe that the subconscious mind and the body…
A Facebook Post Every Woman Should Read
Rebecca Lammersen Via Rebecca Lammersen on Feb 27, 2015 a_simple_path_to_letting_go This morning, I woke up with my blood boiling. My heart was on fire. I’d had enough. Yesterday, I listened to yet another woman put herself on the back burner. With Passover approaching, I thought it appropriate to get in the holiday spirit and start…
Finding the Balance: Being Needy and Not Needing Anyone
I love “The Language of Letting Go” Daily Devotionals for Codependents. It’s been out for years and mine looks like it’s falling apart with some pages I have to keep stuffing back in! I can’t bring myself to buy a new one because this one has so many notes,dates and highlights through the years, I…
Can You Let Go of the Past and Trust the Process?
When you think of an incident in the past where there was pain and hurt—-something that is hard for you to look at, a question we need to be asking ourselves is “How long do I want to hold on to this? How long do I want to continue to suffer over something that happened…
Are You An Over-Reactor? Have Triggers That Set You Off?
Are you someone who over-reacts easily and takes things way to personal? Especially with those you love or care about? Or maybe you over react in traffic or in the check out line in the grocery.When we do, sorry to say, but it is always about us, not the other person. I know, you want…
Where Could You Use Some Courage for 2015?
As this year ends, Ive been asking and meditating for the last couple of weeks on what my new word will be for 2015. Ive been doing this for years as long as I have kept a journal each year. It never fails that by the end of the year, my word is given to…
It’s Time to Smudge for the New Year!
It’s time to smudge! Clear your space to ring in the New Year clean and fresh. The real purpose of smudging originates from the part of you that remembers your true nature, which is calm, peaceful, and happy. Smudging isn’t simply the removal of negativity, but more important, it is the remembrance of love, kindness,…
Still Trying To Have Power and Control Over Others?
Someone shared this on my timeline this morning on fb and I loved it! One of the areas where codependents have such a struggle is trying to change others in our lives so we can feel ok and safe. We have to remember that we “have no power there”. I hope you enjoy the reading…