Awareness Activity: How Co-Dependent are you? Awareness Activity: How Co-Dependent are you? The following self-inventory may help you determine the degree to which co-dependency is present in your life. Please answer these questions honestly. Usually the first answer that comes to you is the most honest and most accurate. A Self-Interview Typical Characteristics Of Co-Dependency…
Loving and Accepting the Real “Me”
I dont know if any of you have ever read this poem by Virginia Satir about Loving the Real “ME” but I love it and thought it fitting for those working on their codependent lack of “self -love” at this time. Ive looked for it also on a poster online for my studio and couldnt…
Why DETACHING Never Fails
I can remember when I first starting working on my codependency tools and how hard detaching was for me. If you were anything like me, (or maybe still struggle with this), I was SO addicted to controlling my loved ones (especially my guy!), like a thermostat reacting to anything they did or said and caught…
Follow Your Heart and Speak Your Truth
Ok, so I have a burning desire to share! So, I always like to look back and access the week to see what I learned, what lessons God was showing me, and where I need to step it up to grow and learn. Every week is new and surprising, as I never know what’s going…
Where Attention Goes Energy Flows!
Last night I was sharing with a client how obsessed and focused we can get in our “codependent” behavior giving attention to what someone else is doing or not doing and focusing on what we don’t have in our life. This morning as I was thinking about that, my husband said something that bugged the…
Don’t Stuff Your Feelings
When you are upset or frustrated with someone, just be up front and honest without blaming and attacking. Holding things in never serves anyone for the better. If it’s not safe to talk to the person, find a trusted friend who is a good listener and will support your feelings but give you honest feedback.…
Living and Trusting in Today
Over the years, I have trained myself to turn my thoughts towards God first thing in the morning and ask Him to order my steps and guide me through each moment and event. If not, I wake up thinking of all I have to do, or worrying about work, kids, clients, or something I…
Let Go Or Be Dragged!
Who today has had to let go of some things you were trying on your own “to make happen” on your time table? Sometimes if I wont let go, I have to be dragged. My message the whole day today. Let Go. When we come from being “super hero achievers” from our childhood, we tend…
Clearing for the Root Chakra Energy
Visualization for your Root Chakra Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, feeling them fill the entire body, all the way down into the toes of the feet. Bring your awareness down to the base of the spine. Begin to see a beautiful, deep red encompassing the lower body, spinning clockwise or counterclockwise.…
Wishing Others Would Change
Do you spend alot of time wishing that other people would change and just get it? We all desire better relationships. With codependent behavior, we try to change others and can use many different ways to try to do this! But you can’t force them. It will backfire every time you try! This false belief…